Friday, January 10, 2025

Critical race theory: Useful paradigm or fringe ideology?

 In recent years, critical race theory (CRT) has grown to influence how people and institutions around the world approach matters of identity, inequality, patriotism, and more. Canada is no exception. CRT has influenced government legislation, corporate employment practices, and public education. However, despite its influence, CRT remains relatively unexamined in Canada. For many, the […]

My Duty to Not Stay Silent – A Documentary by Vladimir Kara-Murza

180 Wellington 180 Wellington St room 325, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

MLI is proud to co-sponsor the screening of this film, particularly given the Institute's friendship with Vladimir Kara-Murza and considering the vital role that he and others have played in standing up to tyranny. Due to the fact that MLI as organization and many of our fellows have been sanctioned or blacklisted by Russia, we understand acutely just how vital the thought leadership of activists like Kara-Murza is and how precarious it can be to undertake such work. 

Canada’s Indo-Pacific strategy: What next?

Canada released its long-awaited Indo-Pacific Strategy in late November attempting to craft out a long term vision for the region. The document referred to China as a "disruptive" actor in […]