This program was originally recorded as Democracy Matters on March 25, 2022.
Mariam Memarsadeghi interviews James Kirchick today on the state of democracy in the world, how it is in decline, and how this ties into the war in Ukraine. James was a visiting fellow in the Center on the United States and Europe and Project on International Order and Strategy at the Brookings Institution. A widely published journalist, he is author of The End of Europe: Dictators, Demagogues and the Coming Dark Age (Yale 2017), a columnist for Tablet, and a frequent contributor to an array of publications including the Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, Foreign Policy, and Commentary among others. He works on European politics, American politics, and US grand strategy.
Talkin’ in the Free World is a conversation series on the future of democracy and countering the threat from resurgent authoritarianism across the globe.
The series is hosted by MLI Senior Fellow Mariam Memarsadeghi and features prominent thinkers, practitioners and political leaders committed to safeguarding freedom.