When authoritarian regimes crackdown on free speech and dissent, we in the “free world” are often tempted to say, “it could never happen here.” However, the truth is, our freedoms are eroding every day thanks to government overreach and attempts to censor speech both in person and online.
In this webinar, MLI brings together three distinguished panellists who have personally experienced life under authoritarian regimes where free speech was severely restricted. Now living in North America, the panellists share their perspectives on the erosion of free speech in Canada and its parallels to their experiences living under authoritarian regimes.
Freedom of expression/speech is a fundamental protection in Canada and the US – but it’s increasingly under threat. The panelists will discuss concerns over recent legal decisions and enacted and proposed bills, as well as recent research on the topic in academia. The webinar serves as a timely reminder of the delicate balance between free expression and government control, and the dangers of complacency in a democracy.

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