Monday, February 17, 2025

Jeff Kucharski

: Senior Fellow

Expert Overview

Jeff Kucharski is a strategic thinker, policy entrepreneur and academic. He is currently adjunct professor with the School of Business, Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC. Before retiring from the public service in 2012, he was an assistant deputy minister in the Alberta Department of Energy responsible for international energy policy, strategic planning, and intergovernmental relations.

Dr. Kucharski has extensive international experience, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region. He began his working career in Japan in various roles including as a manager with the Seibu Group, as the Government of Alberta’s trade representative in Tokyo and as Consul and Senior Trade Commissioner in Nagoya, Japan. Kucharski is a regular speaker, presenter and publisher on energy and trade related issues.

Kucharski’s academic research interests lie at the nexus of international trade, energy policy, and geopolitics. He has published peer-reviewed research in several international journals and with academic publishers and various research institutions. He holds a doctorate from the Graduate School of Energy Science, Department of Socio-environmental Energy Science, Kyoto University in Japan, and MBA and BCom degrees from the University of Alberta.

Jeff Kucharski's work for MLI

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