Looking at Sir John A. Macdonald Through Cracked Lenses: Patrice Dutil for Inside Policy
Citizens who decry the casual dismissal of Canada’s first prime minister are the ones who genuinely value Canadian history, writes ...
Citizens who decry the casual dismissal of Canada’s first prime minister are the ones who genuinely value Canadian history, writes ...
OTTAWA, ON (January 12, 2021): Those who see Canada’s history as little more than a shameful series of mistakes and ...
His Excellency, the Honourable Arthur Hamilton Gordon, C.M.G., Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief of the Province of New Brunswick: ...
The Honourable Samuel L. Tilley, Provincial Secretary of New Brunswick, responded as follows, on behalf of his Province: He said ...
The Honourable S.L. Tilley, Provincial Secretary and Leader of the Government of New Brunswick, in replying to the toast on ...
Resolved, that the House of Commons of Canada desires to express its deep sense of the loss sustained by the ...
Mr. Miller said – I rise, Mr. Speaker, to address the House on a question of the deepest importance to ...
Hon. Dr. Tupper: Mr. Speaker, no member of this House can regret more sincerely than myself that my honourable friend ...
Hon. J. A. MACDONALD, whose rising was the signal for round after round of the most enthusiastic cheering, said, when ...
Decades ago, Canada Day was named Dominion Day—and it’s a moment to recommit to the justice-seeking spirit of its former ...
TUPPER said: I would shrink very much sir, from the task which has been imposed upon me of moving the ...
For the latest edition of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute’s Straight Talk Q & As, Munk Senior Fellow Sean Speer spoke with ...
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