Canadians have relied on digital services more than ever before. With that, there has been an increasingly populist push to use regulation and anti-trust measures to combat what some have described as anti-competitive behaviour. MLI Domestic Policy Program Director Aaron Wudrick joined NL Morning News to discuss how Canada will need a nuanced approach to competition policy, one that preserves innovation and considers the needs of consumers while addressing real anti-competitive behaviour.
“A lot of people have had to shift their buying online and that’s given rise to questions whether companies like Amazon or other platforms, are they really monopolies? And do we need government to do more to regulate? Or is there more to the story here,” says Wudrick. He argues that it is important to point out that these large digital service providers “might not be as powerful as we sometimes feel we are,” and that consumers still have many competitive choices offered to them, even in the digital economy.
MLI will be bringing together some of the top experts in the field to discuss these increasingly important issues with an online panel event. Register here.