Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Richard Audas

: Senior Fellow

Expert Overview

Richard Audas, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of Health Statistics and Economics at the Memorial University, Faculty of Medicine. Prof. Audas contributes expertise related to statistics and economics as well as experience in applying quantitative methodologies to developing report cards related to the educational system in Atlantic Canada, and to municipal report cards for Atlantic Canada and Canada’s major metropolitan centers. Professor Audas’ work has focused on the role of key public institutions and the impact they have on the lives of Canadians. He is currently working as the Project Leader on the Big Data theme with New Zealand’s ‘A Better Start’ National Science Challenge at the University of Otago.

Professor Audas' work with the Macdonald-Laurier Institute has included the award-winning Justice Report Card and the COVID Misery Index.

Richard Audas's work for MLI

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