The eight portraits on the cover of Confederation and Individual Liberty depict statesmen and thinkers discussed in the text who played an important role in the development of Canada’s Constitutional guarantee of responsible liberty under law.
The first reader who correctly identifies all eight (listed from smallest to largest on the cover) wins a copy of the Institute’s first book, The Canadian Century: Moving Out of America’s Shadow, an autographed copy of Managing Director Brian Lee Crowley’s Fearful Symmetry: The Fall and Rise of Canada’s Founding Values and a $50 gift certificate at Chapters.
The first five readers to get at least seven right, other than our grand prize winner, will get copies of The Canadian Century, Fearful Symmetry and our two most recent policy papers From Rehabilitation to Recruitment and Citizen of One.
The first five to respond with six or fewer correct answers will receive a copy of The Canadian Century. Our decision as to the winners is final.
Send all your answers by email to MLI Managing Editor, John Robson, at john.robson@macdonaldlaurier.ca