June 23, 2011 – MLI’s Commentary, Freeing Canadians to Move and Trade, written by MLI Managing Director Brian Lee Crowley, has been promoted and discussed in a number of media sources since its June 15th release. The full Commentary appeared on June 20th in the Montreal Gazette, the Surrey Beacon, and the Calgary Beacon. On June 21st, The Rutherford Radio Show interviewed Crowley to discuss his Commentary on removing the barriers between Canadians to move and trade (see our blog post for more details on this interview). Finally, the Embassy of Mexico in Canada posted MLI’s Commentary on their website in full.
In the Commentary, Crowley discusses how Canadians cannot look to the provinces to remove the barriers the provinces have themselves created. The logic of federalism and the plan of Canada’s founders was to use the power of the federal government to create a barrier-free national economy. This goal has never been more important, as population change and differing levels of economic growth create a pressing need to allow workers to relocate easily and with a minimum of red tape, to places where their skills and talents are in the greatest demand.