Friday, March 14, 2025

Papers, organized by date


Is The Cheque Still In The Mail? The Internet, e-commerce, and the future of Canada Post Corporation, by Ian Lee, July 23, 2015

Is The Sky The Limit? Following the trajectory of Aboriginal legal rights in resource development, by Dwight Newman, June 23, 2015

Unearthing the Full Economic Impact of Canada’s Natural Resources: What are they? How important are they?, by Philip Cross, May 29, 2015

Punishing the Most Heinous Crimes: Analysis and recommendations related to Bill C-53 (Life Means Life Act)by Benjamin Perrin, May 7, 2015

An Asian Flavour For Medicare: Learning from experiments in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, by Ito Peng and James Tiessen, April 30, 2015

Giving and Taking Away: How taxes and transfers address inequality in Canada, by Philip Cross, Apr. 16, 2015

Great Gatsby v. Zero Dollar Linda: Assessing the relationship between income inequality, social mobility and the tax transfer system, by Munir Sheikh, Apr. 9, 2015

Risk, Prevention and Opportunity: Northern Gateway and the marine environment, by Robert Hage, March 13, 2015

Staying On The Right Track: A review of Canadian freight rail policy, by Malcolm Cairns, Feb. 20, 2015

Sharing The Wealth: How resource revenue agreements can honour treaties, improve communities, and facilitate Canadian development, by Ken Coates, Jan. 27, 2015

Putting The ‘Armed’ Back Into The Canadian Armed Forces: Improving defence procurement in Canada, by David Perry, Jan. 14, 2015


The Supreme Court of Canada: Policy-Maker of the Year (2014), by Benjamin Perrin, Nov. 27, 2014

The Carbon Tax Win-Win: Too Good to be True?, by Robert P. Murphy, October 30, 2014

The End is Not Nigh: Reason over alarmism in analysing the Tsilhqot’in decisionby Ken Coates and Dwight Newman, September 11, 2014

Money to Burn: Assessing the costs and benefits of Canada’s strategy for vehicle biofuels, by Douglas Auld and Ross McKitrick, June 26, 2014

Finding the Balance on Digital Privacy: Toward a new Canadian model for data protection in the 21st century, by Solveig Singleton, June 10, 2014

Estimating the True Size of Government: Adjusting for regulation, by Philip Cross, May 29, 2014

The Rule and Role of Law: The duty to consult, Aboriginal communities and the Canadian natural resource sector, by Dwight Newman, May 2014

Parliamentary Restrictions on Judicial Discretion in Sentencing: A defence of mandatory minimum sentencesby Lincoln Caylor and Gannon G. Beaulne, May 1, 2014

An Unfinished Nation: Completing the devolution revolution in Canada’s North, by Ken Coates and Greg Poelzer, April 2014

The Blue Line or the Bottom Line of Police Services in Canada: Arresting runaway costs, by Christian Leuprecht, March 31, 2014

Estimating the True Size of Government: Adjusting for tax expenditures, by Munir A. Sheikh, Feb. 6, 2014

Oldest profession or oldest oppression?: Addressing prostitution after the Supreme Court of Canada decision in Canada v. Bedford, by Benjamin Perrin, Jan. 27, 2014

How markets can put patients first: Economics before politics in Canadian health care delivery, by Audrey Laporte, Jan. 15, 2014


A European flavour for medicare: Learning from experiments in Switzerland and Sweden,
 by Mattias Lundback
, Nov. 22, 2013

Beyond Patronage and Scandal: A rationale and a strategy for serious Senate reform, by Brian Lee Crowley, Nov. 21, 2013

Credit Where It’s Due: How payment cards benefit Canadian merchants and consumers, and how regulation can harm them, by Ian Lee, Geoffrey A. Manne, Julian Morris, and Todd J. Zywicki, Oct. 18, 2013

Debunking the Myths: A broader perspective of the Canada Health Act, by Michael Watts, Sept. 20, 2013

Strong Medicine: Can free trade agreements cure Canada’s pharmaceutical ills? by Stefania Bartucci and Laura Dawson, June 2013

New Beginnings: How Canada’s natural resource wealth could re-shape relations with Aboriginal people, by Ken Coates and Brian Lee Crowley, May 2013

Canada and the First Nations: Cooperation or conflict?, by Douglas Bland, May 2013

The Way Out: New thinking about Aboriginal engagement and energy infrastructure to the West coast, by Brian Lee Crowley and Ken Coates, May 2013

Six Myths Surrounding the Development of Canada’s Natural Resources, by Philip Cross, May 8, 2013

National Security Strategy for Canada Series: Organized crime beyond the border, by Todd Hataley and Christian Leuprecht, April 2013

Restoring Equity and Promoting Wise Stewardship in Canada’s Equalization Program, by Brian Lee Crowley, April 2013

National Security Strategy for Canada Series: Border integrity, illicit tobacco, and Canada’s security, by Jean Daudelin with Stephanie Soiffer and Jeff Willows, March 27, 2013

Police-reported Crime Statistics in Canada: Still more questions than answers, by Scott Newark, Feb. 21, 2013

Health Care Reform From the Cradle of Medicare, by Janice MacKinnon, Jan. 31, 2013

Dutch Disease, Canadian Cure: How manufacturers adapted to the high dollar, by Philip Cross, Jan. 16, 2013


The Greening of Canadian Agriculture
, by Claudia Schmidt, Al Mussell, Janalee Sweetland, and Bob Seguin
, Nov. 15, 2012

Sustaining the Crude Economy, by Laura Dawson and Stefania Bartucci, Oct. 23, 2012

Provincial Solvency and Federal Obligations, by Marc Joffe, Oct. 18, 2012

Public Policies to Encourage Innovation and Productivity, by Steven Globerman, Sept. 27, 2012

Milking the System: How agricultural supply management impedes trade opportunities and egregiously transfers income, by Chris Sarlo, Larry Martin, and Ian Lee, June 21, 2012

First, Do No Harm: How the Canada Health Act obstructs reform and innovation, by Jason Clemens and Nadeem Esmail, June 19, 2012

Sound Money: Why It Matters, How to Have It, by Jerry Jordan and Allan Meltzer, June 11, 2012

Income Inequality: Oversimplifying a Complicated Issue, by Jason Clemens, April 30, 2012

Success and the City: How charter cities could transform the developing world, by Paul Romer and Brandon Fuller, April 25, 2012

Making Oil and Water Mix: Oil tanker traffic on Canada’s West Coast, by Philip John, Roland Priddle and Robert Hage, March 14, 2012

Solutions To Critical Infrastructure Problems: Essays on protecting Canada’s infrastructure, by Stuart Farson, Douglas Bland, Brigadier-General James Cox, Barry Cooper, and Andrew Graham, Feb. 29, 2012

The High Price of Low Emissions: Benefits and costs of GHG abatement in the transportation sector, by Ross McKitrick, Feb. 22, 2012

Canada’s Looming Fiscal Squeeze: Collected essays on solutions, by Janice MacKinnon, William Watson, Bev Dahlby, Ronald Kneebone, and Jason Clemens, Feb. 7, 2012

The Atlantic Integrated Commercial Fishery Initiative: A successful model to manage Aboriginal participation in natural resource development, by Jacquelyn Thayer Scott , Feb. 1, 2012

Economics of Intellectual Property Protection in the Pharmaceutical Sector, by Brian Ferguson and Kristina Lybecker, Jan. 24, 2012


Canada’s Critical Infrastructure: When is safe enough safe enough?
, by Andrew Graham
, Dec. 6, 2011

Canada’s Looming Fiscal Squeeze, by Christopher Ragan, Nov. 3, 2011

What Do Muslim Canadians Want?, by Christian Leuprecht and Conrad Winn, Nov. 1, 2011

Reforming the Canada Health Transfer, by Jason Clemens, Oct. 27, 2011

Migrant Smuggling: Canada’s response to a global criminal enterprise, by Benjamin Perrin, Oct. 25, 2011

Canadian Agriculture and Food: A growing hunger for change, by Larry Martin and Kate Stiefelmeyer, Oct. 17, 2011

Laying the Ghost of Electoral Reform, by John Pepall, Oct. 11, 2011

Free Trade within Canada: Say Goodbye to Gold Seal, by Ian Blue, June 15, 2011

Pills, Patents & Profits, by Brian Ferguson, March 25, 2011

Why Canadian Crime Statistics Don’t Add Up: Not the whole truth, by Scott Newark, Feb. 9, 2011


To Stand On Guard
, by Paul H. Chapin
, Nov. 29, 2010

Confederation and Individual Liberty, by Janet Ajzenstat, Nov. 10, 2010

From Rehabilitation to Recruitment, by Alex Wilner, Oct. 18, 2010

Citizen of One, Citizen of the Whole: How Ottawa can strengthen our nation by eliminating provincial trade barriers with a charter of economic rights, by Brian Lee Crowley, Robert Knox and John Robson, June 21, 2010

Free to Learn: Giving Aboriginal youth control over their post-secondary education, by Calvin Helin and Dave Snow, March 15, 2010

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