With uncertainty abounding regarding Brexit, MLI Research Advisory Board Member, Elliot Tepper, joined CTV News to discuss the future of UK and the EU.
According to Tepper, there is as of yet no commanding view within the U.K Parliament. This has created an unpredictable future for Brexit and the people of Britain.
With May 22 serving as a possible new deadline for the Brexit decision, Tepper is still at least somewhat optimistic.
“Now that that stark reality is there, maybe there will finally be some resolution that will get the majority vote,” he explained.
However, there is also the possible outcome of a “crash out” or a “hard exit” in lieu of a deal. Tepper states that such an outcome could have sever implications throughout the UK, and ought to be taken seriously.
That being said, there are some possible third rail solutions for Brexit. Tepper says that Britain can have a “people’s vote, a referendum to the people” or what is being called the Nuclear option where “the UK could cancel their request for Article 50 and stay in.” These options could help avoid an otherwise worst-case scenario.
In any case, according to Tepper, the “social fabric of the UK has been rent asunder because of this.”